Finding Job - Why do you want this job?

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Fill in the blank with one suitable word


" do you want this job?

Dialogue 1"

Why do want to work for us?

"When I saw job advertisement, I became

very interested"

"...I had fun customers here, they said that

they liked doing business as well"

...I also feel I'm qualified for the

Why should we hire you?

"Because I have and a strong desire

to succeed"

Dialogue 2

Why you want to work here?

Because this company a good reputation

Why should we hire you?

think I have the right personality and skill

...And also have experience and motivations

Dialogue 3

Why do want this job?

Because I know I can this job well

Why should we hire you?

of my drive and commitment

Dialogue 4

Can you me why you want this job?

The descriptions very interesting

...And I think I can succeed in

Why should we choose you for this job?

a very committed worker

...And I love challenges like

Dialogue 5

Why do you want to work here?

"I want to challenge with working at a large


"Why should we hire you over another person?


"Because I'm qualified and because I have the

will succeed"



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