Voa Agriculture Report - Working Magic in the Garden With Beans

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is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Beans are popular choice for home gardens.

The University of Extension service says bush bean plants need the least of work. They stand without support.

Green bush used to be called string beans because of fiber along the pods containing the seeds. Now green beans called snap beans because plant breeding reduced the fibers.

Unlike bush bean plants, pole beans need to climb. But they need less space than bush because they twist around poles or sticks. Because the are tall, a person can stand while harvesting the .

The University of Illinois Extension says beans should not planted until all danger of a freeze has passed the spring. Cold weather could damage them. Planting beans two to four weeks until early August will provide continuous harvest.

Small weeds and grasses around beans plants to be controlled, but be careful not to harm plants. The root systems are not very strong or .

Seeds should be planted at a depth of two one-half centimeters. Make sure the soil is not too or the seeds could develop poorly.

Bush beans be planted five to ten centimeters apart. And there be at least forty-five to sixty centimeters between the .

Pole beans should be planted ten to fifteen apart in rows that are about seventy-six to ninety apart. Or you could plant them in hills with to six seeds per hill.

The hills should seventy-six centimeters apart and with seventy-six centimeters between rows.

The University of Illinois specialists say to harvest beans the pods are firm and have reached their full . Do not wait until the seeds inside are fully . Bean plants produce more beans if pods are continually before the seeds are mature.

But wait until plants are completely dry before picking beans. Picking beans wet plants can spread bean bacterial blight, a disease damages the plants.

The specialists at the University Illinois Extension say beans should be moved to different of the garden each year. This is because diseases affect beans can stay in the soil and infect next bean crop.

Not only are beans a food, they are also good for the soil. Other take nitrogen out of the soil, but beans and legumes replace it.

And that's the VOA Special English Report, written by Jerilyn Watson. To learn more about , go to voaspecialenglishcom.. I'm Steve Ember.



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