voa economic report - Trying to Renew Trust in 'Made in China' Label

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is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

China recently been faced with serious issues of product safety.

In May, the Costa Rican Health Ministry the removal of this Chinese toothpaste and other kinds in China.

cases have brought attention internationally to increased use of imported ingredients to make food and .

In Panama, medicine made with a poisonous chemical or sickened more than one hundred people. A Chinese had identified the additive as glycerin, a safe sweetener thickener. But it was really diethylene glycol, a low-cost commonly used in automobile antifreeze.

Some countries have banned toothpaste containing diethylene glycol. China has now told companies discontinue this use, even though it says the toothpaste safe.

Another industrial chemical, melamine, was found in wheat used to make pet food in North America. Thousands dogs and cats died or became sick.

The States has restricted some imports of Chinese seafood because contained banned substances. And questions have been raised about products, including children's toys covered in lead paint.

The Union is China's biggest trading partner. Meglena Kuneva, its for consumer protection, was in Beijing this week. Chinese promised her they would provide the European Union with reports on enforcement efforts against unsafe goods.

China in January of last year to do this every months. She said China has not done so.

Li is director of the State Administration of Quality Supervision, and Quarantine. She said China will work to guarantee quality of its products.

China recently three companies linked to the Panama deaths and the food scare. And it executed the former head of food and drug administration. He was found guilty of for approving unsafe drugs.

This week, China said a of the State Council approved a proposed special measure the supervision of food safety. The Xinhua news agency it calls for stronger controls over producers, greater responsibilities government and more serious punishment for illegal activities.

But officials have accused some foreign media of overstating problems goods made in China. They say food imports from United States also fail inspection sometimes. Next week, American Chinese food safety officials plan to hold five days meetings in Beijing to discuss cooperation.

And that's VOA Special English Economics Report. I'm Mario Ritter.



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