Voa Science Report - For Epilepsy, Treatment Choices Have Grown, but Drugs Are First Step

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ONE: This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS in VOA English. I'm Bob Doughty. VOICE TWO: And I'm Faith . This week, we will examine the brain disorder known epilepsy. Many people do not understand epilepsy. They may it a mental disability or even a sign of . Medical experts are working to understand more about epilepsy improve the lives of those who suffer from it. ( ) VOICE ONE: On July thirtieth, the chief justice of United States, John Roberts, fell near his summer home Maine. Doctors said the fall was the result of brain seizure. But they could find no physical cause. seizure is a sudden attack that may affect a mind or body for a short period. Mister Roberts a similar seizure in nineteen ninety-three-. Experts say a who has suffered two or more such attacks is to have epilepsy. But just what is epilepsy and is it treated? VOICE TWO: Epilepsy is a medical . A seizure happens when a sudden increase of electrical interferes with normal operations in the brain. Nerve cells electrical particles to communicate with each other. Millions of particles pass between nerve cells in the brain. When brain has a sudden burst of electricity, the body physical changes that are called epileptic seizures. Victims can uncontrollably for brief periods. They also can temporarily lose ability to communicate or think clearly. VOICE ONE: Different of seizures result when different parts of the brain affected. If electrical activity increases in only one area the brain, the person will have what is called partial seizure. Many times, a person may suffer a seizure and not know it. They might note strange in an arm or leg. They also might hear or look straight ahead for a few minutes. Sometimes person will have an uncontrolled movement, like turning the to one side. Most partial seizures last less than seconds. So it is not always possible for others recognize them as signs of a disorder. The most kind of epileptic seizure is called a grand mal . A person experiencing this kind of seizure will fall the ground. His or her body will become firm start to shake. After a few minutes, the patient stop moving, appear awake and realize what has happened. or she may move slowly for about thirty minutes. grand mal seizures start with partial seizures and become . VOICE TWO: Experts report different reasons why an individual suffer epileptic seizures. For example, head injuries or a of oxygen at birth may damage the electrical system the brain. Other causes are poisoning and high body . Older adults may develop epilepsy because of an infection, or Alzheimer's disease. But experts say the cause of disorder is unknown in more than half of all . The World Health Organization estimates that fifty million people the world have epilepsy. At least half of all are children and young people. The WHO... says many in developing countries suffer from epilepsy as a result local conditions. In those areas, people have a greater of experiencing a medical condition or disease that can to permanent brain damage. (MUSIC) VOICE ONE: The World Organization says most people with epilepsy receive no treatment. many treatments for the disorder are available. First, a must decide the cause of a patients seizures. The will ask the patient what it felt like before, and after the seizure. The doctor then may order to measure electrical signals from brain cells. Other tests be used to look for any other conditions that be causing the seizures. Some machines can even find brain areas where seizures are produced. VOICE TWO: Generally, first treatment choice for epilepsy is medicine. The Epilepsy says different kinds of medicines can stop or control kinds of seizures. These drugs work best only after reach what experts call a desired level in the . That level has to be continually present for seizures be controlled. It might take months to identify the drug to control the disorder because each one may other problems. These include weight gain or loss, eye stomach problems, sleepiness and loss of balance. Some people suffer depression, or have problems thinking or talking as result of taking some drugs. VOICE ONE: Another treatment epilepsy is an operation to remove the part of brain suspected of causing the seizures. This is done when medicines fail to control the disorder. One requirement the operation is that the part of the brain can be removed without damaging speech, memory or other . Doctors can perform other kinds of brain operations. One block the spread of electrical activity in the brain. operations are performed only at special medical centers. The Foundation says more operations are being done now because information has increased their safety. Still, some people get help from operations and others continue to need medication their seizures. VOICE TWO: Another treatment is called vagus stimulation. It is used in adults and young people have partial seizures that are not controlled in other . In this treatment, electrical energy enters the brain through vagus nerve in the neck. The electricity comes from small power supply placed under the skin in the . Medical experts set the device to provide a small of energy every few minutes. The patient can also a few seconds of energy through the nerve if or she feels that a seizure is near. This been known to stop a seizure. The Epilepsy Foundation this treatment may cause an uneasy or uncomfortable feeling the throat of the patient. The group says most who use this treatment suffer fewer seizures. Some patients increased effectiveness over time. The foundation says people using nerve stimulation still must take anti-seizure medicines. But the may decrease as the treatment continues. VOICE ONE: People epilepsy may be able to control their seizures by what they eat. The ketogenic diet is very high fats and low in carbohydrates. It makes the body fat for energy instead of sugar. This diet requires cooperation if the patient is a child. It also trained medical supervision. The patient must be in a for the first part of the treatment. And the of food and liquid the patient can have at meal must be carefully weighed for each individual. The should obey the dietary restrictions for at least one before experts know if the treatment is successful. VOICE : The Epilepsy Foundation says about one third of children the ketogenic diet become seizure-free or almost seizure free. third improve but still experience some seizures. The others continue with the diet or it has no effect their seizures. Experts say a child should follow the restrictions for about two years if the treatment is controlling seizures. Then, other food may be eaten in amounts to see if the seizures can still be . Other effects of the diet include digestive problems, loss fluids in the body, and development of kidney stones gall stones. Thinning bones, an inflamed pancreas and eye are other possible effects. Another danger of the diet that high levels of fat could develop in the . (MUSIC) VOICE ONE: People being treated for epilepsy in of these ways can still suffer an unexpected seizure. what can you do if you see someone in situation? Experts say the most important thing is to the patient safe until the seizure stops. Stay with patient. Clear the area of anything that could hurt patient and put something soft under the head. If can, turn the body on one side. Do not the mouth open or hold the person down. The will stop on its own. Then speak to the calmly and offer help to get home. (MUSIC) VOICE : This SCIENCE IN THE NEWS was written by Nancy . Our producer was Brianna Blake. Im Faith Lapidus. VOICE : And Im Bob Doughty. Read and listen to our at voaspecialenglishcom.. Listen again next week for more news science in Special English on the Voice of America.



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