Voa Science Report - Science and Beauty Combine at the US Botanic Garden in Washington

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ONE: This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS in VOA English. I'm Faith Lapidus. VOICE TWO: And Im’­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Bob . This week, we tell what is showing and growing the United States Botanic Garden in Washington, DC.. (MUSIC) ONE: The United States Botanic Garden is America's plant . Congress established the Botanic Garden as a center for science of growing things. But the Garden is also center of beauty. The Botanic Garden has twenty-five thousand in its collection. Visitors can see many of them the Garden's public Conservatory. It is a large stone glass structure near the United States Capitol building. VOICE : Everywhere you look in the Conservatory, something appeals to eyes. A visitor can move seemingly from one part Earth to another in just a few seconds. A walk takes you from desert to thick forest. The offers examples of plants that provide the makings of . It also has plants of special interest to children. and endangered plants occupy a place all their own. visitors show an interest in the plants of North and economic plants. Economic plants get their name because are used in products like food, drinks and wood. ONE: The tradition leading to the present Botanic Garden almost two hundred years ago. In eighteen sixteen, a group in Washington proposed creating a special garden. This was to have plants from the United States and nations. In eighteen forty-two-, the explorer Charles Wilkes donated hundred fifty four living plants. The plants were carefully . After a short time, they found a home in new greenhouse. The greenhouse was moved to its present in nineteen thirty-three-. That was a year after the of nearby Bartholdi Park. This open-air space is also of the Botanic Garden. (MUSIC) VOICE TWO: On a summer morning, many people make their way through the building. They say the cool air inside feels good. wetness levels and temperatures are carefully controlled for the of the plants. Some of the visitors spend time the Botanic Garden's seasonal demonstrations, or exhibits. Among the in the open air exhibits are high school students. study plants on the terrace ---- the space around Conservatory. Several women wearing hats also walk around the . Then they move west of the building to look the new National Garden. They watch workers set new in the ground. VOICE ONE: The National Garden first welcomed the public last October. Private donors and groups this open-air growing space to the United States Botanic . The Office of the Architect of the Capitol operates National Garden and all parts of the Botanic Garden, called the USBG.... The USBG.... and the American Public Association organized the temporary exhibits. The exhibits are part an event called "Celebrating America's Public Gardens." The celebration last until early October. Twenty botanic gardens from all the country are represented. An exhibit called "Green Today, Tomorrows" shows the importance of respect for the future the environment. A second exhibit is named "A Sense Place." It shows the great differences among plant life America. Experts in the study of horticulture and plant say an important part of an area's identity comes what that area grows. VOICE TWO: The exhibit of National Tropical Botanical Garden in Hawaii shows plant life warm climates. The National Tropical Botanical Garden operates four in Hawaii and one in Florida. Dried fronds, or , of palms form the top of a Hawaiian shelter the Washington exhibit. To most Americans, the Hawaiian plants trees look unusual. For example, there is ulu, or , and the aluha plant from the bellflower family. A banana tree looks more common. The National Tropical Botanical says saving tropical plants is one of its main . Experts say thirty-three percent of all plant life in United States could disappear from Earth. An even higher of tropical plant life is threatened. VOICE ONE: Another exhibit comes from the Heritage Farm. The farm is of the Rio Grande Botanic Garden in New Mexico. old red wagon with large wheels contains evidence of products in the American West. The vehicle contains apples, , strawberries and mission grapes. It has honey and a , the wax cells where bees store the honey. Many of trees, grasses and plants need bees to grow. ( ) VOICE TWO: A young man is watering flowers in National Garden. He takes a long look at roses the Reiman Gardens at Iowa State University. These flowers special. They are stronger and require less care than roses. The university says this is because they were to survive the cold winters of Iowa. Scientist Griffith produced them. Mister Buck worked at the university's College Agriculture from nineteen forty-eight until nineteen eighty-five-. He developed kinds of roses. VOICE ONE: Several people are taking of the exhibit of the Cleveland Botanical Garden in . A huge reproduction of a salsa can is marked " from Downtown Salsa." Real tomatoes and vegetables grow on of the can. The salsa mixture contains tomatoes and healthful foods. Members of the Cleveland Botanical Garden's Green manufacture the salsa. These young food manufacturers are fourteen nineteen years old. They also attend a special high while making the salsa. VOICE TWO: The National Garden another eye-catching object in the form of glass artwork. Chihuly's artwork is called "Summer Boat, two thousand six." , red, green and yellow objects of blown glass fill boat. It floats on a small area of water the west end of the garden. Some visitors say glass objects look suspiciously like flowers and vegetables. The Carolina Arboretum also provided colorful artwork. The arboretum sent steel sculpture measuring more than four meters long. Grace sculpture is a yellow dahlia on a green stem. dahlia is a popular flower in the American South. the sculpture provides more than an appealing artwork. It the color that dahlias provide for North Carolina's crafts . (MUSIC) VOICE ONE: The United States Botanic Garden also year-round education in plant life. For example, the USBG.... currently showing the photography of biologist Amy Lamb. Her hang near the entrance to the Conservatory. Most of plants seen in the pictures are grown around her in Bethesda, Maryland. As a scientist, Miz Lamb says looks at flowers for more than just their beauty. studies them to learn the reasons for their forms colors. Miz Lamb takes cuttings from her plants at periods of their development. Then she places the cuttings something black. The results show the smallest hairs and . VOICE TWO: The Botanic Garden also provides information about . A researcher will offer a program on the subject August. Dayna Lane will explain whether gardeners should step insects ---- or learn to love them. Also in , the USBG.... will hold four classes in cooperation with agency of the Department of Agriculture. Scientists with the Agricultural Research Service will explain Research Service projects. Even visiting the Botanic Garden for only one day can horticultural education. Information in the National Garden describes grasses plants native to the middle-Atlantic Ocean area. It also uses for the plants and suggests the best soil them. VOICE ONE: Today, the United States Botanic Garden many of the traditions it started long ago. America's museum continues to prove that science and beauty go . (MUSIC) VOICE TWO: This SCIENCE IN THE NEWS was by Jerilyn Watson. Brianna Blake was our producer. I'm Doughty. VOICE ONE: And I'm Faith Lapidus. Read and to our programs at voaspecialenglishcom.. Join us again at time next week for more news about science in English on the Voice of America.



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