Luyen nghe tieng anh bai 15 - Greeting and introduction

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Fill in the blank with one suitable word


and introduction

Hi, Al. How are you?

Im . Thank you. And you?

Im doing good

your friend?

This is Bob

...We went school together

Bob, This is Wanita

Hi, to meet you Wanita

Hi, nice to meet , too

You have a beautiful smile


...’Youre not that handsome

...But you look OK

Wow, thank

Wanita, Is my aunt here?

No, isnt’. She should be in around ten

Heres menu

...Can I get you anything to drink?

I have coffee, please

Ok. Would you like and milk?

I like my coffee black

, one black coffee

I have fresh squeezed orange , please

We dont have any orange juice

be right back



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