Luyen nghe tieng anh bai 21 - About the train

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Fill in the blank with one suitable word


Bob, do you take the train often?

Yes, Al. everyday.

Almost everyday? Thats a lot.

"And I enjoy train “*%��

Its very convenient"

I see.

"And its fastest way to travel across town.


"Are there people on the train during the

rush hour?"

"Well, are many people in the morning

before work."

"...and are many people in the evening

after work. "*%

about other times?

At other times? No. Not so people.

There is never a traffic jam?

On train?

...’theres never any traffic jam.

Thats good.

The way to travel.

"And you know. I think its than driving a


And the train is not expensive.

Hey, Bob! Look at that sign.

The University? oh!

Were waiting the wrong train.

...’Were on the platform, teacher?

Yes. Were on the wrong platform.

, now what do we do?

Well, we can take taxi.

Taxi is good.

Yes, taxi is good.

Lets a taxi.

"And we wont waste our time waiting the

wrong train."

Do you take the train often?

, Al. Almost everyday.

"Are there many people on the during the

rush hour? "*%

And the train is very expensive.

Hey, Bob! Look at that sign.

, now what do we do?



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