Luyen nghe tieng anh bai 24 - Directions to the toilet

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Fill in the blank with one suitable word


to the toilet

Al, Is something wrong?

No, Im . Do you have a toilet here?

Oh, no. Im sorry

...there is no toilet in this shop

Ok. is a toilet?

Theres a public toilet close to

Where? Where is it?

"Oh, Its really hard to it if you dont know

where it is"

Hurry ,*%

Ok. OK.

Go out the door, and take a

OkOut the door and leftAnd then?

"And walk 50 until you see a pet fish


Okpet fish and then?

And there you see a staircase there

... down the stair

Ok OK. Up the stair and ?

No no, no, not up the stair, down stair

Ok. Down the stair and then ?*%

And youll see a waterfall

And then?

And then a right

Ok, right at the waterfall

...and then?

the toilet is there

Thank you. Thank you the door and right or left?

Maybe I should you a map

Never mind

...’Ill find the toilet

Hey, good luck

Call me if you get



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