Tieng anh du lich bai 8 - Sight seeing

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Fill in the blank with one suitable word



Buying souvenir

How much are this T-shirts-?

" adults sizes are $10 each and the

childrens child are $6"

I can buy some for my niece nephews

I can give you some discount

Three for $15.OK?

That sounds like a good bargain

... size do you want?

My niece is 8 old

...and the twins are 5

Which design do want?

My niece would love this koala T-shirt-

"... Im not sure about the boys, maybe the


color would you like?

"Ok. I have an orange T-shirt a blue

and an red kangaroo T-shirt-"

will be $15

Here you are

Thank you

Thank you

Booking a ticket

"Hi. Im interested in a ballet


"Oh, we have Mirror Mirror selling the


"...’Its a performance based on the story

Snow White"

That sounds good

Can you tell me show times?

"Yes, Lets see. We have evening performances

7 during the week"

...and at weekends, we have begin at 4

"Do you have any seat available an evening

this week? "*%

This week. Let me .

Yes. What day would you like?

Tuesday ,*%please

" . Would you like to seat in the stall or


The balcony please

".’OKThats one ticket for Tuesday

of Mirror Mirror"

...you have a seat in the

"...and Ill see if I can get you closer the

front if possible"

OkThats $78

"...and heres the . I hope youll enjoy the


"Thanks. Oh, Can tell me the way to the Art


"Yes, go out the door, take a right, go

around botanical garden, you will see the

Art Museum in of you"

Ok. Thanks. I hope that I wont lost

Dont worry. Therere signs along the way

Good. probably need them

Thanks. Bye




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