Voa Agriculture Report - Growing Rice and a Cholera Vaccine at the Same Time

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is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Someday, plants might not only provide food but also a to prevent cholera and other diseases.

Cholera is bacterial infection of the intestines. Today it is found in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Current vaccines to against cholera must be kept in cold storage. The for refrigeration limits use in poor countries.

But in Japan may lead to rice plants that contain cholera vaccine that does not need to be kept . So far, the research has been carried out only mice. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences the United States published the study earlier this month.

Kiyono of the University of Tokyo and his team with genetic material from the bacterium responsible for cholera. placed it into the Kitaake rice plant.

Mice ate genetically changed rice seeds as a powder. The report the vaccine was not destroyed by stomach acid; instead, animals developed antibodies against the cholera toxin. The scientists the vaccine remained active even after being stored at temperature for more than a year and a half.

would take the vaccine as a drug that contains powder.

Cholera is usually spread through water or , in places where conditions are dirty and drinking water are unsafe. Cholera infections are often mild. But some develop severe cases. The World Health Organization says half them will die if they are not treated.

The say the experimental cholera vaccine produced reactions in the system and in areas of mucosal tissue. Mucosal surfaces the mouth, nose and reproductive organs. Cholera as well viruses like those that cause influenza and AIDS infect areas.

The scientists have great hopes for rice-based as a way to protect large populations against mucosal . There would be no need for injection, since the would be taken by mouth.

Yet scientists have tried some time to make plant-based vaccines. Researchers in the States have developed one for Newcastle disease in chickens, so far there are no products for humans. At same time, scientists have to deal with concerns about engineered plants accidentally mixing with food crops.

And that's VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson.



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