Voa Science Report - Scientists Receive National Medals of Science and Technology

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ONE: This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS in VOA English. I'm Barbara Klein. VOICE TWO: And Im Steve .­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ This week, we tell about the highest honors for and technology in the United States. (MUSIC) VOICE ONE: July twenty-seventh-, President Bush honored recent winners of the Medals of Science and Technology at special ceremonies at White House. The National Science Foundation administers the science . It accepts nominations for the award each year from and other organizations. Each nominee must be a United citizen or a permanent resident seeking citizenship. A committee twelve scientists and engineers is named by the president examine the nominees’ work. They study how each one affected scientific knowledge. They also look at how other have honored each nominee in the past, and how work of each has influenced the education of future through publications and teaching. Two groups of winners were this year. Scientists in the first group were named May and received the two thousand five National Medal Science. Those in the second group were named in and received the National Medal of Science for two six. (MUSIC) VOICE TWO: Jan Achenbach of Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois was honored for his engineering research in area of solid mechanics. He developed ways to find areas in structures, which has greatly affected the airplane . Another Northwestern professor also received the National Medal of . Tobin Marks' research involves the study and design of substances. He designed a material that made possible an way to produce a plastic substance. Two professors at University in Stanford, California were also among the winners. Bower was a professor of psychology who retired in thousand five. He worked in experimental studies of human , language, feelings and actions. Bradley Efron invented a statistical known as the bootstrap method for estimating. VOICE ONE: honoree was the former president of Rockefeller University in York City. Torsten Wiesel shared the nineteen eighty-one Nobel in Medicine for studies on how visual information moves the retina of the eye to the brain. Also with the National Medal of Science was Lonnie Thompson, professor of earth science at the Ohio State University Columbus. His studies of climate conditions have provided evidence the last one hundred years was the warmest period time in recorded history. Anthony Fauci of the National of Health near Washington, DC.., also received a National of Science. He is the director of the National of Allergies and Infectious Diseases. He studies ways to and treat diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, influenza and . The final National Medal Of Science winner for two five was Ralph Alpher of the Dudley Observatory in , New York. His work in the nineteen forties led the development of the Big Bang Theory, now accepted explaining the beginnings of the universe. Until two thousand , he was professor of physics at Union College, in , New York. (MUSIC) VOICE TWO: The winners of the thousand six National Medal of Science include two women. Colwell is a professor at the University of Maryland College Park. She received the award for creating a understanding of microbes that cause the disease cholera. Nina works at the Pennsylvania State University in State College. work with plants includes efforts to copy several kinds plant genes. Another Medal of Science winner is Marvin , a professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder. was honored for his work with the genetic material and the human genome project. Peter Dervan of the Institute of Technology in San Marino was honored for in organic chemistry and biology, and for influencing education industry. Lubert Stryer is a former professor at Stanford in California. He was honored for work with biological . Hyman Bass of the University of Michigan in Ann was recognized for establishing a new kind of mathematics. professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge received the National Medal of Science. Robert Langer was for helping develop new medical technologies. Daniel Kleppner is former professor at MIT. He was honored for his into the links between atoms and light. (MUSIC) VOICE : The National Medal of Technology is awarded to Americans to be the leading developers of new technology ideas products. It was established by Congress in nineteen eighty. medal is given every year to researchers, teams of and or companies for excellent technology work. The National of Technology is administered by the United States Department Commerce. A special committee studies all nominations for the . The secretary of commerce appoints the committee members for terms. Members of the committee are generally experts in areas of science, technology, business and law. Again, this two groups of winners were honored at the same in Washington on July twenty-seventh-. The first group of was announced in June. They received the medal for thousand five. The second group was named in July received the two thousand six awards. VOICE TWO: The thousand five technology winners included two individuals, one team three companies. The first went to Alfred Cho of Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey. He was for helping invent a technology that is used to cellular telephones, compact disc players and high-speed communication devices. Sicking is a professor at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. He was recognized for his design and development safety technologies that stop the energy involved in high-speed crashes. The committee said his work has prevented many and injuries on roads every year. A scientific team Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in Madison, New Jersey received a technology for developing the first vaccine to prevent deadly streptococcus in children. The committee said the work has been as the most important advance in medicine for children the past ten years. The first company award went the Genzyme Corporation in Cambridge, Massachusetts for improving the of people with rare diseases. The Semiconductor Research Corporation Durham, North Carolina was honored for building a research to support the growth of the semiconductor industry. And Xerox Corporation in Stamford, Connecticut was recognized for fifty of work that has created the modern printing industry. ONE: The Technology Medals for two thousand six went five individuals. Leslie Geddes is a former professor at University in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was honored for research into the electricity involved in medical devices. Charles is a former president of the Massachusetts Institute of . He was recognized for working toward joint scientific efforts universities, the government and industry. James West is a at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He the technology award for helping invent the electret microphone nineteen sixty-two-. That technology is now used in several of communication devices. Paul Kaminski is the chairman of Technovation Company in Fairfax Station, Virginia. He was honored developing new kinds of pictures from space and his in national security. And Herwig Kogelnik works at Alcatel-Lucent Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey. He received a medal for his leadership in the development of lasers lightwave communications systems. (MUSIC) VOICE TWO: This SCIENCE IN NEWS was written by Nancy Steinbach. Brianna Blake was producer. I'm Steve Ember. VOICE ONE: And I'm Barbara . Read and listen to our programs at voaspecialenglishcom.. Join again at this time next week for more news science in Special English on the Voice of America.



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