Finding Job - educational experience

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Fill in the blank with one suitable word


Dialogue 1
"Please tell me about your educational
"I graduated form Cornell University in 1994
with a in Computer Science"
Why did you choose computer science?
"Well, Ever since I was young, I have been
in computer"
" when I entered university, I thought a
career in Computer would be a good choice"
" you ever studied outside the University?
"Yes, I on my own and I took a evening
course a small computer school"
Dialogue 2
"Tell me a about your educational
"Sure, I was in History Houston
University in 1990"
"...after that I studied in of Texas
and received my MBA in 1993"
"Why you choose University of Texas for
your master degree? "*%
I visited the campus and I met some professor
... I really liked them
"How has your education helped with this
position? "*%
"My education has taught me to work hard
and succeed "*%
...and has taught a lot about the society
and business environment
Dialogue "Please tell me about further more about your
" I just graduated from Kansas state
University two months with a Bachelor
degree in Business Administration"
How was experience there?
It was good experience for me
... learned a lot
...It was challenging and rewarding
Can you tell me about your education?
" , I studied political science at Michigan
State University for year"
...I got my bachelor degree in 1990
"...for last two years, Ive been attending
Union of Law at the weekend but I
haven't finished yet"
Do plan to finish your law degree?
I hope finish this year
Dialogue 5
Tell me about your background
"I graduated from Texas Christian University
(TCU) with Bachelor in accounting"
...I also minor in business technology
" has your education helped with your
work? "*%
"It me basics of accounting and also
about busines"
...It me how to solve problems and how
to work
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