Luyen nghe tieng anh bai 28 - Making a date

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Fill in the blank with one suitable word


a date


Hi, MichelleThis is Al

Hi, Al. are you?

Fine, thank you

"’Im calling to see you and Wanita are free

this Thursday"

Why? Whats this Thursday?

"If you and Wanita are free, I like to

invite you to dinner"

Oh, dinner? This ?

Oh, Im not free but Wanita is

Oh, Thats bad

Im sure Bob will be sad to hear

Oh, Bob will be there too

Yes, of

OkLet me check my schedule one more time

OkHey., what?

Im free that evening


And how about ?

Let me ask her

Yes, she seems to be , too

Great. Can we meet at 7pm?

Yes. Where we meet?

How about KFC?


Im just joking

" , Im making reservation at the

Salteaux Demy"

Is that expensive French restaurant?

Yes, but I have a coupon

four, pay two

Oh, thats great

So Well meet at 7 pm

7pm this Thursday

We will be

Okbye bye



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