Luyen nghe tieng anh bai 33 - At the restaurant

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Fill in the blank with one suitable word


the restaurant

This is a nice restaurant

Yes, you for inviting u

I hear the food is

"This is the nicest restaurant Ive ever been to

my life"

Bob, do you have your gift ready?

Yes, Al. I do

"Michelle, Wanita, Bob and I gifts for


Oh, you shouldnt have

"We decided are too boring and

chocolate will make you fat"

" we put our heads together to come up with

really exciting gift"

You guys are so kind

Yes, two are so very thoughtful

Bob, Would you like go first?

Yes, Al. Dont mind if I

Wanita, this is for you

A gold fish?

a gold fish. Its an Oscar fish

Thank , I think.

When it gets bigger, it eats gold

Thats disgusting

Wow, thats cool

Now, for you Michelle

is this?

Some sort of dartboard?

Al, youre handsome in the picture

What do you think?

you like the gift?

Well, I really like fish, Wanita

I really like your picture, Michelle



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